6 Digital Marketing Strategies in Social Media Networks

Marketing Strategies in Social Media 2021

6 Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Social Media

We’ve already talked about the importance of having good social media digital marketing strategies. However, a frequent question among companies is what the best strategy for my brand is. In social networks, it is vital to maintain a consistent presence on the platforms where the brand has a presence.

This does not mean repeating all the content repeatedly on each network, but rather that all communications on social networks have the same tone and type of publications adapted to the platform.


Good practices in social networks

Regardless of the strategy that will be used in social networks, it is advisable to follow some practices that will help you keep your profiles optimized at all times. The idea behind social media marketing is to use the platform to publicize the brand, create a community, and listen to customer opinions.

These principles are the basis of any strategy and must be taken into account when designing the actions you will take. It is also advisable to create an editorial calendar with upcoming publications to maintain a constant frequency and that clients can anticipate. So you can gradually build the brand recognition you need to grow.

On the other hand, the monitoring and analysis of metrics play a fundamental role in social media marketing. Tools like Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics will help you know your target audience and how they react to your networks’ publications.

Likewise, they can be connected with other third-party tools such as Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to control publications and interactions with the audience better. The correct analysis of this data serves to correct the course of the strategy if necessary.

On the other hand, if you are fond of data management statistical analysis, you may have a look at data analytics programs that helps you grow your career in social, behavioral, or health science sectors.

These are the 6 best practices & Digital Marketing Strategies for Social Media to obtain a better return on investment


  1. Paid advertising on social networks

If your brand is new or you are starting to create your presence on social networks, paid advertising can be the push to get you started, especially on Facebook. The ads on this platform have proven effective thanks to their ability to segment the audience.

The Facebook app also allows you to test various ads with different images and texts to find out which ones work best. You can also control how much you want to spend on each campaign and limit the budget. This way, you can get rapid growth when starting your new strategy.


  1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is about creating and distributing relevant content to attract potential customers and keep current customers interested in the brand. Although this type of marketing results are long-term, you can improve the reputation of the company.

It is important to consider that the return on investment in content marketing at the beginning is almost zero. So if you don’t have the budget for it, it’s better to put it aside for a while.

Another factor to take into account is that the content not only refers to the blog and its publications, but you must also be able to generate videos, photos, podcasts, or any other that can help you carry the message of the brand to users.


  1. Diversify the content

In line with the previous section, it is important to diversify it regardless of the social network in which you are working when creating content. One of the most common mistakes companies makes is limiting the type of content they produce to a social network: photos on Instagram or short texts on Twitter.

Within your target audience, there will always be subgroups with different interests and ways of relating to the brand. If you do not change the content, you run the risk of isolating or boring those users who, for one reason or another, do not connect with the publications. This will also help you get to know your audience better.


  1. More “Storytelling” and less promotion

Social network users’ attention is fleeting, so the content must be focused on presenting interesting information to the public. Storytelling in marketing is based on creating a story with characters and situations that provoke an emotional reaction in public.

Another alternative is to create educational content, that is, that serves to provide information to potential customers. For example, creating tutorials for YouTube is usually content that generates interaction and hooks them. In this way, you can position yourself as an authority on related topics. If you use the educational approach, you can use third-party content such as blogs or press articles to lead your audience to the information you recommend.


  1. Interact with users

One of the advantages of social media marketing is the ability to interact directly with users. On the one hand, this allows knowing what the target audience thinks of the brand or even accessing content related to the company and generated by users such as reviews, photos on Instagram, or a campaign label.

Interactions with users are also intended to create a community. It is proven that users like to feel heard and valued. By responding to their concerns and comments, a link is formed both with the one who interacts and with the rest of the users who see the publication.


  1. Take advantage of emerging trends.

New tools for content creation are added every year, and it is important to be aware of trends. It is not about using them to be fashionable, but about understanding how they relate to your brand and how they can help you carry your campaign’s messages. This is a way to create attractive content capable of attracting the attention of users who are increasingly saturated with information.


