5 Tips How to Keep Your Nails Healthy

5 Tips to Follow for keeping Nails Healthy

If you are looking for tips for healthy nails, you have come to the right place! It is now very easy to have strong and healthy-looking nails, and you can make them stronger with only home care. To have healthy nails, your hands, and nails must always be clean, well-groomed, and healthy. You can use a number of different methods to make your nails strong, solid, and healthy. You can even do these methods at home instead of paying your hairdresser money.

5 Tips to Make Your Nails Shiny, Strong, and Healthy 

1. Keep Your Nails Clean!

You must always wash your hands with your nails to maintain healthy, strong nails. You need clean hands to maintain healthy and strong nails.

2. Do Not Forget To Moisturize Your Nails!

When you moisturize your nails with care oils or moisturizers, they will grow much healthier. These oils and moisturizers strengthen your nails without damaging the nail tissue. You should moisturize your nails at least twice a week if you have brittle nails.

3. Eat Regularly

As with all organs and systems, nutrition plays a large role in nails. Vitamin B contributes to keratin, so consuming foods containing it more often will strengthen and speed up the growth of your nails. In addition, make sure you consume legumes, fiber foods, meat, fish, and eggs regularly!

4. Be Careful When Using Cosmetic Products

It is possible to seriously damage nail texture, structure, and health with cosmetic products that make nails look stylish and unique. Although nail polish, acetone, printing, prosthesis, and similar products indicate no danger to nail or skin health, such products primarily prevent the nail surface from breathing.

Consequently, nail polish, prints, and prostheses that remain on the nails for a long time may weaken the nails and cause them to turn yellow. Nail polish should be worn for at most 3 days.

It is important to let our nails breathe once in a while. Regardless of how much we love fancy nails, it is good to clean nail polish with acetone-free nail polish cleaners.

5. Apply Care

Taking care of your nails doesn’t require you to pay high amounts to hairdressers or beauty centers. You can make your nails look more vibrant and healthy at home with simple cures.

  • Lemon Juice and Salt Mix

Add a pinch of salt to half a lemon juice and apply it thoroughly to your nails with a toothbrush or cotton ball. After making this application, it is possible to soak your nails in this lemon juice for five minutes. When you remove your nails from lemon juice, wait about fifteen minutes before washing them. You will not believe how much this application, which you will do twice a week, strengthens your nails!

  • Onion

Dip your fingernails into a smaller piece of onion and let it sit in the same way for ten minutes. You won’t believe the difference!

  • Sea salt

Add a teaspoon of sea salt to a bowl filled with warm water and dissolve. Then, soak your nails in this mixture for twenty minutes. It is possible to apply this application, which will create a unique change on both your cuticles and nail surface, every day.

It is also possible to use care oils, moisturizers, and hardening solutions to have healthy nails. Thanks to these methods, it is very easy to have solid, strong, and healthy nails that do not break easily! If you want to learn about the prominent nutritional trends of recent years, you can take a look at the other article we prepared for you.

Read More: Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water